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Original price was: 20,0 JOD.Current price is: 17,0 JOD.

أنت شجاع

You Are Brave

 Uplift and cheer your child to celebrate the power of courage in every situation!

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28 pages

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Original price was: 20,0 JOD.Current price is: 15,0 JOD.

اسم يحمد ربه ويشكره فضله

Grateful YOU, Thanking Allah

Instill gratitude in your young one's behavior by teaching them how to count their blessings!

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30 pages

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Original price was: 24,0 JOD.Current price is: 19,0 JOD.

فلسطين في قلب طفلك

Palestine in your child’s heart

Instill the love of Palestine in your child’s heart through a personalized book!

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32 pages

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Original price was: 20,0 JOD.Current price is: 17,0 JOD.

ماذا يمكنك أن تكون؟

What Can YOU Be?

Show your little one the endless opportunities he/she can become!

Up To 8

30 pages

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