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FREE SHIPPING for 2 hardcovers with PHOTO OR 3 softcovers | 10-14 days delivery


Little Kids

Starting from

Original price was: 20,0 JOD.Current price is: 17,0 JOD.

أنت شجاع

You Are Brave

 Uplift and cheer your child to celebrate the power of courage in every situation!

Up To 8

28 pages

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Starting from

24,0 JOD

الحذاء السحري

Your Fairy Shoes

Boost your child's self esteem and confidence by showing the importance of believing in one's self and overcoming fear of failure.

8 Plus

36 pages

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Starting from

Original price was: 20,0 JOD.Current price is: 15,0 JOD.

اسم يحمد ربه ويشكره فضله

Grateful YOU, Thanking Allah

Instill gratitude in your young one's behavior by teaching them how to count their blessings!

Up To 8

30 pages

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Starting from

Original price was: 20,0 JOD.Current price is: 17,0 JOD.

ماذا يمكنك أن تكون؟

What Can YOU Be?

Show your little one the endless opportunities he/she can become!

Up To 8

30 pages

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Starting from

Original price was: 24,0 JOD.Current price is: 19,0 JOD.

لا مكان لنا في أسنانك بعد اليوم

No Place in YOUR Teeth Again!

Engage your child in an imaginary story with Mr. Foodie and his friends to learn the importance of teeth brushing.

8 Plus

30 pages

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Starting from

Original price was: 24,0 JOD.Current price is: 19,0 JOD.

لا يريد أن يكون بالوناً مرةً أخرى

Never Want to Be a Balloon Again!

Captivate your child with this fantasy book while stressing on the importance of going to the bathroom without any delay.

8 Plus

32 pages

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Starting from

24,0 JOD

Your Friends & the Tiny pieces of bread

Teach your child the importance of cherishing food and never throwing it away.

8 Plus

36 pages

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